Uncovering anti-arrhythmic potential of stellate ganglion purinergic receptors

Website University of Auckland Department of Physiology

About the Project

Cardiovascular disease affects over 30% of people worldwide, and is the one of the leading causes of death each year. Elevated sympathetic nerve activity is a common feature of cardiovascular disease, contributing to end-organ damage, morbidity and mortality [1-3]. We have identified a novel receptor target that may have therapeutic benefit in the treatment of excessive cardiac sympathetic activity and the development of hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias.

Recent findings indicate that short-circuiting sympathetic nerve overactivity by removal of the stellate ganglion can eradicate arrhythmias, emphasising the need for novel therapeutic targets to correct signalling non-invasively [4]. Unexpectedly, we have found upregulation of a subtype of purinergic receptors [5] in the stellate ganglion of animals and humans with cardiovascular disease. We hypothesise that these purinergic receptors within cardiac stellate ganglion play a role in the excessive sympathetic drive to the heart in cardiovascular disease and can initiate cardiac arrhythmias.


The project:

The graduate student selected for this project will perform functional studies determining the cardiac responses (haemodynamic, electrical and pro-arrhythmic) mediated by P2X3 purinergic receptors on stellate neurones in animals with cardiovascular disease. This will include investigation of the chronic anti-arrhythmic and therapeutic actions of P2X3 receptor antagonism in conscious animals, using radio-telemetry [6] and chronic monitoring of cardiac haemodynamics and the electrocardiogram. Observations may be further examined in a large animal model to enhance translatability. Additional opportunities are available within the laboratory for immunofluorescence combined with high-resolution Airyscan imaging, and RNAscope to delve into the spatial distribution and molecular processes of P2X3 receptors located on stellate sympathetic neurones.

The aim of this project is determine the cardiac effects of the novel purinergic receptor within the stellate ganglion, and its role in cardiac arrhythmias. With this information, we aim to uncover the therapeutic potential of a novel receptor antagonist already approved for clinical trials [7] and translate our findings to benefit patients with cardiovascular disease.

This project is open to suggestions and we welcome all ideas.

Who we are looking for:

We are looking for a student who shares our passion in translational physiology and in tackling questions using a range of innovative approaches. The ideal candidate will be a creative, hard-working and curious individual; as well as adaptable, willing to learn, and passionate about driving their own research. We hope to find someone who enjoys working with others.

Anyone interested in conducting MSc (or other) research with us, please feel free to reach out as we may have alternative research opportunities available.

About us:

We are a diverse team of researchers who share an interest in answering biological questions with a multifaceted and translational approach. We look to tackle problems on a molecular, cellular, whole organ and physiological scale; and recognise the importance of leveraging a range of models and systems for hypothesis validation. Our research team is spearheaded by world-renowned translational physiologist Prof. Julian Paton, who has supervised over 20 PhD students over 30-years. Please see the links below for some information about us and our current research highlights.

– https://www.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/en/sms/about/our-departments/physiology/research-groups/translational-cardio-respiratory-research-laboratory.html

– https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2021/05/21/heart-research-connections-are-key-manaaki-manawa.html

– https://www.hrc.govt.nz/news-and-events/finding-new-way-control-blood-pressure-gets-5m-funding-boost

– https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/j-paton

– https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/carol-bussey


How to apply:

Please send us your CV and a cover letter outlining your reasons for applying and your suitability for the position.

Funding Notes
Unfortunately, due to COVID19 we can only accept NZ citizens, NZ residents or students currently residing in NZ at this time.
We welcome applicants with prior research experience, who have achieved a B+ or above in their undergraduate degree. For exceptional students with a GPA of 8.0 or above, the University of Auckland offers guaranteed doctoral scholarships. Exceptional Maori and Pacific students with a GPA of over 7.5 are also eligible for a guaranteed UoA scholarship.

To apply for this job please visit unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz.

To apply for this job please visit unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz.

Contact us

University of Auckland Department of Physiology

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